INSPIRE / Transitional Women's Initiative
Tailored to women 50 and over, this program encourages women to become involved in meaningful work. Because many older women live in extreme poverty, they don’t have access to activities and facilities for the socialization and stimulation that promote and preserve physical and mental health as people age.
The Transitional Women’s Initiative provides women 50 and over with networking and community building opportunities, financial security strategies, health and wellness programs, and career exploration and development resources.
EDUCATE / Workforce Development Center
The Ghanaian government supports our efforts to provide this initiative that is designed to help village women gain marketable skills and sustainable wages.
In partnership with Inner City Solar, Inc., The Workforce Development Center’s 12-month program will result in 100 Ghanaian women becoming Certified Solar Installers. Because of the great and growing interest in solar energy throughout Africa, we anticipate the expansion of the Workforce Development Center beyond the borders of Ghana.
Additional programs will include training in waste management.
EQUIP / Market Health Post
Marketplaces in Ghana are bustling with women working 15-hour days to feed their families. As the long hours and labor take tolls on their health, many of these women press on, neglecting preventative care and necessary treatment.
In partnership with physicians and registered nurses, the Market Health Post (MHP) offers wellness services, preventative care, and educational programs to the women in the Kejetia Market in Kumasi, Ghana. Services currently include screening for HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
EMPOWER / I Count Mobile Academy
The I Count Mobile Academy sends facilitators to help young women heal in the knowledge and understanding that they are valuable.
Emphasizing self-love, self-care, and self-respect, this program utilizes a curriculum designed to shed light on the experiences of these young women, giving them the opportunity to communicate their feelings, fears, and dreams of the future. The I Count Mobile Academy hopes to encourage these young women to know and celebrate their incredible worth.
Bridget's Angels penpal initiative with 10 girls from Wesley and St. Monica's schools in Ghana. The girls will penpal with girls from the United States.
AWOWG-BKD sets out to positively impact women in all aspects of their lives. Our initiative in Ghana is currently comprised of four projects that reflect the core goals of our mission.
To educate, empower, inspire, and equip girls and women around the globe to know their true purpose and value so they can live happy and prosperous lives. We seek to achieve our mission by delivering exceptional programming that promotes physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being.